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Larry Jones

Brain Organoids: A Breakthrough in Understanding Neurodegenerative Disorders

Updated: Jun 10, 2024


These miniature 3D tissue models have emerged as a revolutionary tool, offering a unique platform for delving into the intricacies of conditions like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). This article will elaborate on the origins, evolution, and diverse applications of brain organoids in the context of advancing our understanding of neurodegenerative disorders.

Brain organoids are a relatively recent innovation in the fields of neuroscience and stem cell research. They represent a significant departure from traditional cell cultures and animal models. Brain organoids are created through the cultivation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), which can be generated from a patient's own cells, including skin cells. This breakthrough technology allows scientists to coax these iPSCs into forming 3D structures that resemble the organization and function of the human brain. 

Discovery and Development of Brain Organoids 

The inception of brain organoids can be traced back to the groundbreaking work of Lancaster and Knoblich in 2013, who developed a method to grow cerebral organoids from pluripotent stem cells. This revolutionary technique allowed researchers to cultivate miniature brain-like structures in vitro. The absence of interactions between potential variables in this early study limited the complexity of the model but demonstrated its potential for future applications. 


Nonetheless, despite the limited complexity inherent in these initial iterations, they vividly demonstrated the immense potential inherent in the concept of brain organoids. The absence of interactions between variables allowed for a clear focus on the fundamental principles of organoid development, laying the groundwork for subsequent refinements and applications. As a result, the simplicity of these early studies paradoxically underscored the versatility and promise of brain organoids as a transformative tool in neuroscience research. 

In the years since Lancaster and Knoblich's seminal work, brain organoids have evolved considerably, incorporating greater complexity and sophistication into their design. Researchers have progressively introduced various interactions and variables, enhancing the fidelity of these models to the human brain. Consequently, brain organoids have become indispensable instruments for unraveling the intricacies of neurodegenerative disorders and other neurological phenomena, with their potential for future applications continuing to expand. 

Subsequent research efforts have refined the methodology for brain organoid development. Scientists have strived to mimic the intricate cellular and structural arrangements of the human brain without using variable interactions in their approach. This progress has led to the establishment of protocols that yield more complex and physiologically relevant brain organoids. 

One noteworthy development is the introduction of vascularization into brain organoids. Researchers have successfully incorporated blood vessel-like structures within organoids, enhancing their functionality and resemblance to the human brain. This breakthrough has enabled the study of neurodegenerative disorders, with a focus on the role of vascular dysfunction. 

Uses of Brain Organoids in Understanding Neurodegenerative Disorders 

The applications of brain organoids in neurodegenerative disorder research are multifaceted. These miniature models provide a controlled environment for investigating disease mechanisms, drug screening, and personalized medicine. 

Disease Modeling 

Brain organoids serve as invaluable tools for disease modeling. Researchers can induce neurodegenerative disorder-specific genetic mutations in organoids, enabling the study of disease initiation and progression. By analyzing the behavior of affected cells within the organoids, scientists gain insights into the pathological processes involved. 

For example, the ANG gene plays a role in cancer pathology and cell survival. Its angiogenic activity makes it a possible candidate for cancer treatment. 

Recently, it has been observed that the ANG gene is associated with certain neurodegenerative disorders, such as frontotemporal dementia (FTD), motor neuron disease (MND), and Parkinson's disease. In its mutated form, ANG induces stem cells to postpone their transformation into specialized nerve cells, resulting in neurodevelopmental irregularities. 

Furthermore, the investigation under the direction of Dr. Vasanta Subramanian, who led this research from the Department of Life Sciences at the University of Bath, has disclosed that the unaltered ANG gene safeguards nerve cells, while mutations render them more susceptible to stress and premature demise. This revelation offers fresh perspectives on potential early intervention approaches for these incapacitating disorders. 

To conduct their latest study, the researchers examined a family afflicted by both frontotemporal dementia and motor neuron disease. Genetic examinations revealed that some family members possessed mutations in the Angiogenin gene, while others did not. 

For all family members, miniature brain structures, also known as "mini-brains" (a.k.a. brain organoids), were cultivated in the laboratory. These mini-brains, constructed from clusters of human stem cells, provide researchers with a realistic model to scrutinize the gradual progression of diseases. They also offer an ideal platform for drug screening. In the mini-brains of family members carrying the ANG mutation, the researchers observed marked neurodevelopmental abnormalities. In turn, this opened the opportunity to explore potential remediation and possibly cures. 

Drug Screening 

The absence of multiple variable interactions (environment, gene variance, etc.) in drug development is now less of a barrier, as brain organoids are increasingly used for drug screening. These models offer a high-throughput platform for testing potential therapeutic compounds. By assessing their effects on organoid pathology, researchers can identify promising drug candidates for further investigation. 

There has been a recent and significant transformation in the drug development landscape, thanks to the incorporation of brain organoids into the process. Traditionally, drug development faced substantial challenges due to the complexity of multiple variable interactions, including environmental factors, genetic variability among individuals, and the intricate nature of diseases like neurodegenerative disorders. However, with the increasing utilization of brain organoids, these hurdles have become less formidable, and researchers now have access to a powerful tool for drug screening and development.  

Nevertheless, it is still challenging to find a single drug that is effective at treating all aspects of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. The severity and progression rate of symptoms in patients with the same condition can vary, further complicating drug development. 


Role of Brain Organoids: 

In order to address the complexity of drug development, brain organoids are providing a controlled and reproducible platform for drug screening. 

Using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) derived from patient-specific samples, brain organoids can be generated with reduced genetic variation. By doing so, researchers can create organoids that mimic the genetic makeup of individual patients, thereby accounting for genetic variability and assessing drug responses more effectively. 

A controlled environment allows researchers to eliminate many external factors that may confound drug testing, allowing a more accurate assessment of drug effects. 

Multiple compounds can be evaluated simultaneously on numerous organoids for high-throughput drug screening, allowing rapid evaluation of potential therapeutic candidates. 

In addition, researchers can introduce disease-specific features into brain organoids, such as beta-amyloid plaques for Alzheimer's disease and abnormal protein aggregation for Parkinson's disease. A drug candidate can be identified as promising when it responds to these pathological features. 

  • Researchers can quickly identify compounds with potential therapeutic effects using brain organoid-based drug screening. 

  • In drug development, brain organoids contribute to cost savings by reducing the time and resources required for drug screening. 

  • Patient-specific organoids allow for personalized drug testing, increasing the likelihood of identifying treatments tailored to their needs. 

  • Understanding mechanisms: Brain organoid models enable a deeper understanding of how drugs affect disease pathology through specific mechanisms. 

Personalized Medicine 

Personalized or precision medicine represents a highly promising and innovative approach in the field of neurodegenerative disorder research. To repeat, neurodegenerative disorders encompass a group of debilitating conditions that affect the nervous system, often leading to progressive cognitive and motor function decline.  

In recent years, significant strides have been made in the development of personalized medicine for neurodegenerative disorders. One key advancement involves the use of brain organoids derived from a patient's own cells. They can be generated from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) reprogrammed from a patient's skin cells or other somatic cells. 

The groundbreaking study by Liu et al. in 2020 highlighted the potential of using patient-specific brain organoids in neurodegenerative disorder research. By generating brain organoids from an individual's own cells, researchers can create a unique in vitro model of that patient's brain. This model allows scientists to study the disease mechanisms that are specific to that individual, considering their genetic predispositions and other factors. 

There are several advantages to using patient-derived brain organoids in neurodegenerative disorder research: 

Personalized Disease Modeling: Brain organoids derived from patient cells provide a personalized platform to investigate the disease mechanisms and pathology specific to that individual. This enables researchers to better understand how the disease progresses in that particular patient. 

Exploration of Genetic Factors: Neurodegenerative disorders often have a genetic component. Patient-specific organoids can shed light on the role of specific genetic mutations or variations in disease development, aiding in the development of targeted therapies. 

Understanding Heterogeneity: Neurodegenerative disorders are highly heterogeneous, with varying clinical presentations and disease courses. Patient-specific organoids help researchers grasp this heterogeneity by directly observing how the disease affects different individuals. For example, Patient-derived glioblastoma organoids can help researchers understand the heterogeneity of neurodegenerative disorders. 

Personalized Treatment Strategies: Ultimately, the goal of personalized medicine in neurodegenerative disorders is to tailor treatment strategies to the unique characteristics of each patient. By gaining insights from patient-specific organoid studies, clinicians can develop individualized treatment plans that may offer better outcomes and quality of life for patients. 


The discovery and advancement of brain organoids have revolutionized the study of neurodegenerative disorders. These miniature 3D tissue models have evolved from basic structures to sophisticated platforms that accurately mimic aspects of the human brain. Their use in disease modeling, drug screening, and personalized medicine shows great promise for advancing our knowledge of neurodegenerative disorders and developing effective treatments. Overall, integrating brain organoids into drug development has transformed the field by overcoming challenges associated with multiple variable interactions. These models provide a rapid, efficient, and personalized approach for testing potential therapeutic compounds. By assessing their impact on organoid pathology, scientists can quickly identify potential drug candidates, bringing us closer to successful treatments for complex diseases like neurodegenerative disorders. 


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