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Patient Stories:
Judy Inskeep's Story


Judy Inskeep

Judy Inskeep

Judy Inskeep was diagnosed with Bullous Pemphigoid, a rare skin condition. It is an autoimmune disorder in which the body attacks the basement membrane of the epidermis.

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Diagnosis: Bullous Pemphigoid

I have always been a sun worshipper from living near the beaches of San Diego to playing on the golf and tennis teams in college. Sun screen was not on my daily schedule. Not until I became a middle school physical education teacher, did I realize those brown spots on my face and legs were there to stay. Then I began a somewhat casual skin care routine. After I had been teaching P.E for about 15 years, I start an itching/rash reaction, and then blisters/bumps and then the dermatologist.

Treatment: Mohs Surgery, Prescription Medicine

Over the years, I have had numerous Mohs treatments, and now see the dermatologist monthly to treat a rare form of Bulbous Pemphigold. My medications has varied from Dapson to Doxycycline, and a daily in take of vitamin B3 Nicotinamide. The last two years the Doctor has biopsied several of the Bulbous blisters to be sure my condition is not progressing, and that the “tumors” are remaining benign.


Follow Up

I am told by both my dermatologist and my family doctor, that a bullbous disease is very rare, in fact less than 100 known cases. I am taking the Vitamin to hopefully holistically offer another avenue to prevent further eruptions of the itching and blisters. Dr Erik Gilbertson, my dermatologist, assures me “we” are looking better.

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